Wednesday 4 June 2008

Jerry Hall - Halls Son Imposes Boyfriend Ban

Former supermodel JERRY HALL's youngest son is so protective of her, he has banned her from having a boyfriend.

The Texan beauty, 51, admits 10-year-old Gabriel - from her marriage to rocker Sir Mick Jagger - is sickened by the thought of his mother bringing someone home, and has even threatened suicide to persuade her to continue to live her life as a single mother.

She says, "Gabriel gets very angry with me if I work too much. And he absolutely hates the idea of me having a boyfriend. He says, 'If you get a boyfriend, I will kill myself.'

"I say to him, 'But darling, you will grow up and get married one day and it would be nice for Mum to have some company.' And he says, 'No Mum, I am never going to leave you.' But that's what boys are like, isn't it?"

And Hall insists she's in no rush to marry again, because she's happy on her own: "I think having a partner is a bonus, but I don't think it's a necessity. I've always had my own money and worked and looked after myself.

"I do see people and have dates and I think love is a wonderful thing, but that hasn't really happened to me. I haven't fallen in love. Maybe it will happen one day. But I think it would probably be idiotic to marry again. I seems to me that you do that when you want to have children. And I've had mine."

Hall has three other children with ex-husband Jagger: Elizabeth, 24; James, 22, and Georgia, 16. The couple split in 1999.

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